Food Engineering
Research Team (FERST)
National Technical University of Athens
School of Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology
Prof. Petros Taoukis Research Team
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 72
Zografos Campus, Athens, GREECE
tel. +30 210 772-3118, 3119, 3171
Some of the most important conferences in the field of food science, technology and enginnering have been organized by the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, and hosted with big success in Athens. Apart from the big events including ICEF11, 29th EFFoST International Conference and 2015 Nonthermal Processing Workshop the reserch team has also organized other worhshops and training activities.
Food Engineers meet every 3-4 years at ICEF, the International Congress on Engineering and Food, that has been established as the major international event in the field.
Greece was awarded by the IAEF delegates the honour and responsibility to organize the 11th ICEF Congress that was held in Athens, 22 to 26 May, 2011.
The main objectives of ICEF 11 were to provide the forum for discussion of research results and new scientific knowledge, promote personal contact and synergism, advance interaction between academia and industry and facilitate exchange of information on new processes and equipment.
The Theme of ICEF 11 was “Food Process Engineering in a Changing World”. The success of ICEF11 was recognised by the more than 800 congress delegates. Prof. Larry Merson took the initiative to write an excellent evaluation of the congress.
The 29th EFFoST International Conference was held in Athens, Greece from 10-12 November 2015 under the theme: Food Science Research and Innovation: Delivering sustainable solutions to the global economy and society. The Conference was organized by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) on behalf of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST).
The theme and program of the conference reflected the current philosophy of sustainability in both scientific research and applications in the multidisciplinary field of food. During its course, the conference was a forum for the broader spectrum of food science research and innovation as well as a meeting point for an international audience of researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, professionals and students. Delegates from 57 countries participated in cross fertilization of new knowledge, ideas and applications, promoted networking and collaboration and enhanced academia and industry synergism in the quest for sustainable innovations for the global economy and society and last but not least shared the hospitality of Athens, the birthplace of congresses.
More than 800 high quality abstracts, which were reviewed by the prominent members of the Scientific Committee, resulting in 400 Poster and 235 Oral presentations in 33 thematic sessions covering 10 major above topics. Invited speakers from academia, food industry and the European Commission delivered plenary or session opening presentations. Special sessions were organized, including the European Academy of Food Engineering session, the Young Scientists session and several sessions covering research and innovation in cutting edge areas. During the closing Ceremony, the EFFoST Student of the Year Award and the Young Scientist Award were presented to the selected participating young scientists. Important pre‐ and post‐conference workshops and events complement the array of activities for the conference participants.
The 2015 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop was hosted by the National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology.
The Workshop with the theme “SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION BASED ON SCIENCE AND APPLIED RESEARCH OF NONTHERMAL TECHNOLOGIES”served as a global meeting point and forum for experts in the field of nonthermal processing of food from academia and research, food professionals, equipment manufacturers and students. The objective was the exchange of state of the art knowledge on developments on research and applications and the enhancement of progress in the field via interaction and synergism.
More than 190 participants from 37 countries, experts in the field, enjoyed a stimulating two days of science and Greek hospitality in Athens the birthplace of congresses. 120 cutting edge presentations from key note and invited speakers from academia and industry and younger scientists that are producing remarkable original work were presented.
The scientific program included 6 plenary invited talks, 58 oral presentations and 57 poster presentations. The 58 oral presentations were scheduled in 8 thematic oral sessions comprising excellent presentations in the field of nonthermal processing of food from academia and research, food professionals, equipment manufacturers and young researchers.