Food Engineering
Research Team (FERST)
National Technical University of Athens
School of Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology

Prof. Petros Taoukis Research Team
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 72
Zografos Campus, Athens, GREECE
tel. +30 210 772-3118, 3119, 3171

Prof. Petros S. Taoukis
Team Leader
Petros S. Taoukis is a Diploma Chemical Engineer, NTUA ‐ MSc, PhD University of Minnesota USA. Currently full Professor at the National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology.
Prof. Taoukis' research and publications are in the areas of kinetic modeling of food deterioration during and post processing quality and shelf life predictive modeling, food packaging, predictive microbiology, enzyme technology and development and application of Time Temperature Integrator systems as quality monitors of food products. His research in the modeling of food deterioration and the contributing parameters during and post processing, focuses on novel processes such as HP and PEF processing, osmotic dehydration and intelligent packaging. His work in the area of TTIs is aiming to develop and apply optimal systems of food quality monitoring and chill chain management.
Results of his research has been published in patents (1), scientific books (1), peer reviewed scientific journals (147), book chapters (35) and scientific conference proceedings (>400), with more than 4200 citations (h-index: 37) according to Scopus, and more than 7100 citations (h-index: 46) according to Google Scholar.

Dr. Efimia Dermesonlouoglou
Laboratory Teaching Staff
Dr Efimia Dermesonlouoglou, Chemical Engineer, PhD (NTUA, 2008). Her principal research interests lie in the field of quality and shelf life modelling of chilled and frozen food (mainly fruits and vegetables), non thermal processing of foods (high pressure, osmotic dehydration), food packaging and management of the food chill chain. She participates actively in European and national research projects. Results of her research have been published in 33 peer reviewed journals, 4 book chapters and more than 70 scientific conference proceedings.

Dr. Athina Ntzimani
Senior Researcher
Dr. Ntzimani Athina, Chemist, MsC, PhD (University of Ioannina, 2011). Her research interests lie in the field of quality and shelf life of chilled food, mainly meat and poultry products, food packaging, application of antimicrobials and edible coatings and novel food processing technologies. She participates actively in European and national research projects. Results of her research have been published in 11 peer reviewed journals and more than 20 scientific conference proceedings.

Dr. Maria Tsevdou
Senior Researcher
Dr. Maria Tsevdou has a diploma degree and a PhD in Chemical Engineering (NTUA, 2015). During her PhD, she specialized in dairy science and technology, with emphasis in alternative treatments of milk and their effect on the final product. She has participated in training courses concerning HACCP, identification and classification methods of spoilage microbiota, rapid methods for the detection and quantification of food-borne pathogens, and new technologies, health and safety systems in the food production chain. Her research interests include kinetic modeling of microbial growth/inactivation, modelling of food quality and shelf-life, enzyme technology, probiotic microorganisms, bioactive compounds and functional foods, dairy science and technology, and novel food processing technologies such as High Pressure Processing. She has participated in more than 15 European and National research projects, as well as in research and development projects funded by the Greek Food Industry. Results of her research have been published in 18 peer reviewed journals (h-index: 8, according to Scopus), 2 book chapters and more than 50 scientific conference proceedings.

Dr. George Dimopoulos
Research Associate
George Dimopoulos, Chemical Engineer NTUA, MSc Food Sc (ETH, 2014). His area of research focuses on non-thermal processing technologies such as High Pressure Processing and Pulsed Electric Fields, extraction of bioactive cellular products, mathematical modelling of food processes and valorization of food waste streams. He has actively participated in national and international research projects. Results of his research have been published in 11 peer reviewed journals and more than 40 scientific conference proceedings.

Dr. Maria Katsouli
Researcher Associate
Dr. Maria Katsouli has a diploma degree and a PhD in Chemical Engineering (NTUA, 2020). Her principal research interests lie in the field of nanoemulsions, colloidal systems, extraction techniques, oil and lipid analysis, bioactive compounds and functional foods, modelling of food quality, food packaging and shelf-life. She participates actively in European and national research projects as well as in R&D projects funded by the Greek Food Industry. Results of her research have been published in 10 peer reviewed journals, 2 book chapters and more than 17 scientific conference proceedings.

PhD Candidates
Alexandros Katsimichas
Alexandros Katsimichas, Diploma in Chemical Engineering (NTUA, 2020). His principal research is focused on non-thermal processing technologies such as Pulsed Electric Fields and High Pressure Processing, extraction of bioactive intracellular ingredients, encapsulation of bioactive ingredients and mathematical modelling of food processes. Results of his research have been published in 1 paper in peer reviewed journal and 2 scientific conference proceedings.

Athanasios Limnaios
Athanasios Limnaios, Diploma in Chemical Engineering (NTUA, 2018). His principal research is focused on the utilization of dairy industry byproducts for the production of ingredients with high nutritional value, using innovative processes and biocatalysts. Moreover, he is studying the effect of adding of these ingredients into various food products regarding their functional properties. He is also involved in research on the application of non-thermal processing technologies on foods, such as High Pressure Processing, as well as mathematical modelling of food processes and valorisation of food waste. Results of his research have been published in 1 peer reviewed journal and more than 15 scientific conference proceedings.

Ioanna Semenoglou
Ioanna Semenoglou, Chemical Engineer (NTUA). Her principle research is focused on the valorization of fish industry by-products for the production of high-added value ingredients, using non-thermal processes. She is also interested and involved in research on smart and active packaging and mathematical modelling of food processes. Results of her research have been published in 2 papers in peer reviewed journals and more than 8 scientific conference proceedings.

Permanent Collaborators
Dr. Theofania Tsironi
Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Athens
Theofania Tsironi holds Diploma in Chemical Engineering and PhD in Food Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and Master of Public Health from the National School of Public Health (Greece). Her principal research is in the fields of quality and shelf life modelling of chilled and frozen food, packaging, predictive microbiology, nonthermal processing, active packaging and cold chain management by application of smart labels. Results of her research have been published in 37 peer reviewed journals, 5 book chapters and more than 100 scientific conference proceedings (h-index 13, Scopus, April 2020).

Dr. Eleni Gogou
Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly
Dr. Eleni Gogou, Chemical Engineer, PhD (NTUA, 2010). Her principal research lies in the field of high pressure processing and process impact evaluation with the development of process evaluation tools for thermal and non thermal processes, mathematical modeling and food quality kinetics. She is also active in the field of cold chain management while she is involved in the development and administration of the Cold Chain Database. She has participated actively in European and national research projects. Results of her research have been published in 16 papers in peer reviewed journals, 3 book chapters and more than 50 scientific conference proceedings.