Food Engineering
Research Team (FERST)
National Technical University of Athens
School of Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology

Prof. Petros Taoukis Research Team
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 72
Zografos Campus, Athens, GREECE
tel. +30 210 772-3118, 3119, 3171

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is the top Technical University in Greece. The Research Committee of NTUA administers over 600 research projects, representing a budget of 15-20 million euro per year. The Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology (LFCT) belongs to the Department of Synthesis and Development of Industrial Processes of the School of Chemical Engineering and is staffed by 3 Professors, 3 permanent researchers, 4 Post-doctoral researchers, 12 PhD candidates and 20 Diploma research thesis students.
DIGIFOODEDU: Whitebook is now released !!!
Digital Transformation of Project-based Learning Guidance in Agri-Food Higher Education Institutions (DIGIFOODEDU, ERASMUS+) is an European project initiative funded by Erasmus+ to foster the development of digital skills and exchange of good pedagogical practices in the digital era directed at the guidance of project-based learning approaches. This project intends to study the pedagogical practices put in place during the pandemic, collect and analyse the experiences from different partners European-wide and come up with a best practices guide for education improvement in the digital era. Ultimately, the project will aim for the modernisation of the pedagogical practices used for coaching and supporting students during their project-based learning activities.
DigiFoodEdu involves 3 countries: France, Greece and Slovenia and will bring together HEIs and agri-food sector representatives to tackle digital education readiness. It is directed at different target groups: teachers/pedagogical staff, notably the ones providing guidance to ECOTROPHELIA projects or other project-based learning approaches; agri-food HE students, but also students from other courses involved in these multidisciplinary projects; HEIs as the organisations that will benefit from this project’s results and evolve pedagogical practices; agri-food sector representatives that recognise ECOTROPHELIA as a successful HEI-Industry cross-fertilization tool bridging innovation and education and supporting young talents.
Partners: AgroParisTech (France), University of Ljubljana (SIovenia), National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
Do not hesitate to visit DigiFoodEdu website
NUTRI salad bars receives ECOTROPHELIA Europe Silver Award

“NUTRI-salad bars” is an innovative, eco-friendly, shelf-stable savory bar. It is launched in three flavors, Greek Salad, Green Salad, and Legumes Salad. It is a healthy snack enclosing the aromas of Greece and the Mediterranean, suitable for those seeking a healthy snack to enjoy everywhere. The novel cereal savory bars with Mediterranean salads’ flavors that embody by-products such as acid whey from the Greek yogurt industry, by-products of legumes and cereals, and mushroom by-products, have high nutritional value, besides their eco-friendly characteristics. “NUTRI-salad bars” contains high amounts of vegetables and legumes from the Greek and Mediterranean area; thus, they can be characterized as an excellent and healthy snack choice for the consumers which offers them high amounts of fibers and vitamins.
«NUTRI salad bars» won the first prize at the 11th Greek National competition ÉCOTROPHÉLIA 2021 (13 September 2021). The NTUA team, with a high quality dossier and an exceptional presentation, received excellent marks with their innovative product and was awarded the Ecotrophelia Europe silver prize (24 October 2021, Paris on-line).
«NUTRI salad bars» was developed in the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology of the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA by a team of students, Christophoros Vasileiou, Thaleia Vintzilaiou, Sophia Stathi and Anna Christodoulou, coached by PHD candidate Athanasios Limnaios and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Maria Katsouli and under the overall supervision of Professor Petros Taoukis.
For more information:

AVOYOG receives the 1st award in Ecotrophelia 2017, Greece & Europe

AVOYOG is a functional smoothie beverage containing fresh avocado and Greek yoghurt whey, enriched with prebiotic fibers, vitamin C and natural herb extract. It is free of preservatives, colour additives and others, and most importantly no sugar is added. High Pressure processing used for the cold pasteurization to achieve microbiological stability contributes to the preservation of “fresh-like” flavour, taste, appearance and nutritional properties (similar to the freshly blended and prepared smoothie beverages). One essential characteristic is that “AVOYOG” is an eco-friendly product since it uses strained (Greek or Greek-type) yoghurt industry by-product (acid whey), the exploitation of which is a major issue for the dairy industry.
Team E. Dermesonlouoglou, V. Andreou (Supervisors) E. Paraskevopoulou (Team manager) E. Papamichail, Z. Xanthou, E. Sarantakou (Team members)

Cold Chain Database has been developed by a systematic data collection for the purpose of identification and evaluation of the weak links in the cold chain for different types of chilled and frozen products. Data collection was achieved in the FRISBEE project framework. The Cold Chain Database was constructed in order to develop a user friendly on line platform where collected data from all cold chain stages can be retrievable and available to be used from candidate users (consortium members, beneficiary members, industry and research institutes). Users able to retrieve time-Temperature profiles of specific products along the cold chain using search criteria such as Stage/step of the cold chain, Food storage temperature range, Characterization of food, Food product etc.
Everyone active in the field of food cold chain can register and join forces to expand the Cold Chain Database.
For more information please contact us at:


Available data on bacterial survival, growth and inactivation as well as changes in the quality attributes (physical, chemical, etc.) of foods under various conditions have been collected in the framework of the SOPHY project ( Sources include scientific literature, existing databases, previous research projects and other unpublished data.
For further information, please contact us at
Cold Chain Predictor is a software tool designed by IRSTEA (National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture, former CEMAGREF) and NTUA (National Technical University of Athens) in the framework of FRISBEE project. The purpose of this tool is to reproduce a time/temperature history by simulating a cold chain. This tool is based on nearly 13.000 time temperature profiles obtained for different food products along the European cold chain. The profiles have been contributed by FRISBEE consortium members, beneficiary members, industry and research institutes to the Cold Chain Database.
Contact Details

+30 210 772 3171 Prof. Taoukis office
+30 210 772 3118, +30 210 7723119 Lab

National Technical University of Athens
School of Chemical Engineering
9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 72
Zografos Campus, Athens, GREECE